Dear visitors,
We Eva and Clarissa and we are delighted to share the story of how we created the company Evissa.
Our journey dates back to high school when we became best friends. Together, we shared dreams and ambitions, always standing by each other's side. After completing our studies, one in food technology and the other in economics, we found ourselves in the world of adults, facing our first serious jobs in certified companies in the field of dietary supplements and cosmetics,with access to top-notch, high-quality, and cutting-edge raw materials.
With our jobs, we started encountering problems with dry eyes and unexpected wrinkles around the them, caused by long working hours in front of computers and exposure to blue light. It wasn't easy. After searching for a solution to our problem, we realized that such product didn't exist. From this, the idea for our first product, "Eye Glow," was born.
With carefully selected ingredients and top-notch formulation, we aim to offer better quality of life and well-being to all those facing similar issues. Evissa is not just a company; it's the result of our dedication and passion to create something that will positively impact the lives of others.
Thank you for being with us on this journey. Together, we can achieve more, and together, we will illuminate the path to a better well-being.
Eva Knafelc and Clarissa Emeršič
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